All posts by Wesly

About Wesly

I enjoy spending time with my family and finding the music locked up in my guitar. Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Thanksgiving Trip to Eastern Oregon

I’m reporting from a few miles north-west from Haines, Oregon. We’ve been visiting my family for Thanksgiving.

I helped poor a couple concrete walls on Wednesday. That was pretty fun and well, Josiah likes anything that involves trucks.

We had a light dusting of snow on the ground this morning. We went up to “The Timber” (the property my parents own in the mountain foothills) to look for some more snow to play in, but didn’t find much.

Well, Angie and I are going to leave Josiah with grandma for the evening and go on a date, so I better wrap things up.

Fat Lip

I woke up this morning with a fat lip. Guess I must have done something to make Angie mad at me last night and she popped me in the mouth. 😉

No Fence

My fence has been taken down and it sure is wierd looking around here. It’s also wierd to look out the downstairs office window and see cars driving by. Troy and crew made pretty quick work of demolition. Let’s hope they’re as good at building. 😉

Cars! Josiah’s First Movie

We took Josiah to his first movie in a movie theater over the weekend. Well, I think it’s safe to say it was a hit.

As a little background, we got Josiah a book of the movie “Cars”, which has been a favorite. When Angie asked him what kind of a birthday party he wanted, he said a “race car” party, referring to Cars. So we thought it would be good to take him to the actual movie before his party.

So we took him to Valley Theater and had pizza there too. When I walked in with the pizza I saw him sitting in the over-sized chair that was about to eat him but he had the biggest eyes that were just glued to that big screen. He got so into it at one point that he was squealing and jabbering with excitement.

All the way home and until we finally got him into bed he was just jabbering about the movie. I’ve put up a little audio I recorded here for those who are interested:

The Visible Grace Calendars Are Here!

In case you aren’t familiar, Visible Grace (formerly known as GRACEworks) designs calendars each year with an African Safari theme- drawn by children in Portland, Oregon. This is a GREAT opportunity to help Visible Grace- those donations really add up!

If you would like to buy a calendar, just go to and click on ‘buy a calendar!’ in the top right corner. The information is a little out of date (it still says ‘GRACEworks’), but it is all correct. You can follow this link to PayPal to buy a calendar for just $12. A small part of this cost goes to PayPal and to postage. The calendars will be mailed to you.