All posts by Wesly

About Wesly

I enjoy spending time with my family and finding the music locked up in my guitar. Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Music, Science

One of the things I like about music is how mathematical it is. You can describe so many aspects of it using math and science. There is theory to describe how to put something together that “sounds good”. That order and structure and way of analyzing in order to understand really appeals to me. But the best part is that music transcends all of this to be something so much more beautiful and meaningful than numbers, formula, and all understanding.

I think the whole universe is the same way. I’ve always been interested in the physics of things. I’ve been getting into astronomy and cosmology as of late and I’m just intrigued by the how things are work on a large scale. Dark matter, dark energy, black holes? Wow. But, better than all that, it does work and in just a way so that we can all live. Not only that, but things looks pretty spectacular from my limited, little perspective.

I Don’t Need to Work Anymore

Earlier this week Josiah saw me getting ready for work and he said, “Don’t go to work Daddy.” I told him that I needed to so I could earn money to pay for things like our house. The ever astute Josiah, who had noticed that I had a few coins in my pocket said, “Don’t worry Daddy, you have money in your pocket.”

Why Geeks are Freaks

Here’s an article that I think is pretty insightful.

We are different to other people. So very different.

And why is this? What is it that makes us different? And why is this dangerous?

The short version is that geeks dig it when something doesn’t work right because they get to dive in to the guts of the system to figure out what’s going on.

Just a few minutes ago Angie sent me an email, obviously annoyed, because one of her applications wasn’t working right. Her reaction was that of frustration because it was hampering her ability to do what she wanted to do. When I’ve run into the same problem on the same application before, my reaction was more along the lines of, “Oh, that’s not right, let me see here, what can I do to fix…maybe here…oh yes that got things back. I wonder why it did that. Is there something I can do to hack together a fix so it won’t do that again? I could report a bug, nah; maybe there’s something I can change in the registry…”

Sorry Daddy

Josiah has been learning the proper usage of saying “I’m sorry” lately. We made a day trip out to the beach today and Josiah said, “Sorry Daddy, sorry Daddy!” as he crawled through my sandcastle pummeling it flat. Somehow I didn’t get the feeling of a repentant heart there. Oh well, I guess we’ll just start with using the words at the right time. Maybe the next step is to teach him to wait until after he’s finished.

Bass Playin’ Fool

I played bass at Westport Church out in Hillsboro this morning. It was good to play since I haven’t played the bass anywhere for nearly a year.

I was filling in for their bassist who was out of town. I’m going to be playing a bit for them here and there for a while because they’re a little short of bass and electric guitar players. I’m really excited to get a chance to play electric guitar because that’s where my passion has been lately. I will say though, that it has been fun digging the bass out, dusting it off, and straping on that big slab of wood and letting the low notes rumble out. I’ll get plenty of chances to play bass because I understand their bass player really likes playing electric guitar as well, so I want to make sure I give him a chance to fulfill that desire.

It’s kind of an interesting story how I got connected with Westport so I’ll try to give the condensed version. I’m subscribed to a email group called ChurchBass that has around 500 bass players on it from around the world. A message was sent out a few weeks ago that a church in Hillboro needed to borrow a bass amp for someone who was filling in on bass for them. I replied that I had one to borrow so that’s how I got connected to Jamie, their Director of Worship Arts. The funny part was that the bass player turned out to be Todd of Ethnos fame.

Blog Update

I’ve switched my blog over to the new Blogger Beta and given my site a little facelift in the process. It’s nice to see some new features out of Blogger.