All posts by Wesly

About Wesly

I enjoy spending time with my family and finding the music locked up in my guitar. Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Mixing Sound

I’ve started mixing sound at Ethnos. Tonight was my first full night running things. It’s been fun and interesting and a tad bit challenging. Challenging because there are quite a few things to remember, starting with hooking everything together. There are a lot of cables that need plugged into the right places. There’s also quite a bit to be thinking about during the service as well. But it’s all been fun and a good change.

All in all, I would rather be at the source making the music, but this is a very close second.

Oh, and thanks goes out to Joel, whose been a good teacher.


I knew this time would come. I’ve been dreading it for years. I knew I was not blessed in some special way that would allow me to slide around this particular cruel joke of human nature.

Josiah has entered into the stage in his life where he asks “why” to everything.

“Why is that car parked there?”

“Because our neighbors parked it there.”


“Because they didn’t have room in their garage I guess.”


“I don’t know.”



OK, I haven’t really been dreading it that much, but I thought my blog needed a little drama. It is interesting how “why” is starting to just become a default response.

“Josiah, do you want some ice cream?”


Cellus Phonus

Well, I took a step into the late 20th century yesterday and purchased my first cell phone. We’ve had a family cell phone for a year and a quarter that mostly would stay with Angie, or more specifically in her purse in the car. We decided to get one for me because I’m going to be going out of town for a week in a while. Probably more important than that though, it confused people too much that Angie and I shared just one phone. ;O)

Kitchen Party II

The second Portland/Vancouver Kitchen Party for Musicians and Singers was a little shorter for me since Josiah was at his grandma’s and I wanted to go out on a date with Angie that night. I had a good time though. My guitar chops were a rusty feeling though. It seemed like just about the time I started to get a feel for the song, it was over.

The surprise for me was when I picked up the djembe (drum) that Angie gave me for Christmas (and made by the talented Dave Keetah). It was the first time I’d played it in a live setting with other musicians. It was just really enjoyable because I didn’t have to put as much thought into it. I could just settle into a nice simple groove and just enjoy the song.

2 + 1 + 1

Josiah seems to be into math these days. If you ask him how many of something there is, instead of saying “four”, he’ll say, “Two and one and one.”