All posts by Wesly

About Wesly

I enjoy spending time with my family and finding the music locked up in my guitar. Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

The Pandora Podcast

For those who are interested in finding out more about various element of music, I’ve found the Pandora Podcast to be pretty interesting, educational, well produced, but way too short. You can learn more about techniques of drumming, vocal harmonies, vocal recording and guitar effects for example. Being in an audio format is great because you can hear examples of what they’re talking about. Plus, there are more resources on the episode web pages.

It’s been useful for me as a guitar player to get more insight into areas I might not be so familiar with on the specifics. With each episode being eight or nine minutes long, I alway find myself wanting more when it’s done.

Snow, For a Minute

I just saw a bunch of tiny snow flakes blowing around outside my office window (on the 14th floor) a few minutes ago. They probably didn’t even make it to the ground, but they sure looked cool flurrying around in the partial sunlight.

Marriage Course – Night One

Last night was the first night of a marriage course Angie and I are taking. Like most guys, a marriage course isn’t on the top of my list of fun things to do, but I do recognize the important of working on marriage. A good and healthy marriage doesn’t just naturally happen. Usually, once I get there, I enjoy the process anyway.

Anyway, tonight I learned that Angie has me pegged. We were supposed to go through a list of sixteen items and pick three that matter most to yourself, then pick three that matter most to your spouse. Angie picked all three that mattered most to me, while I got only one of Angie’s top three right.


I saw Saturn tonight through the telescope Josiah and I got for Angie for Christmas. We don’t have enough batteries to power the little computer to find things for me and I haven’t done much research on where to find things yet so it’s pretty much just random roaming for me. Anyway, I was just spending some time tonight looking at what I think is the Orion Nebula and then went to look for something else to look at, found a star that looked somewhat bright, and was a bit surprised to see that the “star” had rings. I put the higher power eye piece in and sure enough there it was, shining in all it’s glory. There are some spectacular images out there, but there’s just something about looking directly at a something like that live that is way cool to me.