Category Archives: family

Marriage Course – Night One

Last night was the first night of a marriage course Angie and I are taking. Like most guys, a marriage course isn’t on the top of my list of fun things to do, but I do recognize the important of working on marriage. A good and healthy marriage doesn’t just naturally happen. Usually, once I get there, I enjoy the process anyway.

Anyway, tonight I learned that Angie has me pegged. We were supposed to go through a list of sixteen items and pick three that matter most to yourself, then pick three that matter most to your spouse. Angie picked all three that mattered most to me, while I got only one of Angie’s top three right.

She Says, He Hears

A few minutes ago, out of the blue Angie says, “Hun, I think you’re smokin’ hot.”
I hear, “Hun, I think you’re smokin’ pot.”

Interesting how one consonant can change the whole meaning of a sentence.

First Family Worship With Josiah

It was Josiah’s first time in family worship at Ethnos Church on Sunday. I think he enjoyed it as well as can be expected for a new environment with a bunch of people around and after picking him up from his nap and throwing him in the car to drive there. The grogginess was just about wearing off as we left the gathering.

I was blessed to have him with us as we gathered as a community. It was a bit distracting having to attend to him while listening to the message, but worth it.

I really appreciate that Ethnos makes the effort to invest in kids as a valued part of the the church community.

The Tree

We got our Christmas tree up on Sunday. At December 3, it is a record for us in how early we got it. It’s also a record for height at seven feet, three inches, and that’s after I cut 4 inches off so we could fit the star on top. Of course it is a bit of a wall flower, but that back side sure fits well against the wall.

And We’re Back

We’re back from the other (NE) side of the state. I have to say I’m quite disappointed in the snow fall. I was hoping for blizzard conditions, treacherous mountain passes, and more importantly, being stuck over at my parents for an extended stay. No such luck however. There wasn’t even a full inch of snow at my parents house. There was some packed snow going over Meacham in the Blue Mountains, but it was well plowed and sanded so it wasn’t too exciting for someone who grew up in that sort of stuff.

Oh well, I had a fun time over there hanging out with family. The Smith Men watched the new Bond film. Pretty good–a different kind of Bond, but still good. Don’t get me started with the whole “it’s when he become 007, but set in today’s time” thing though.

I visited my grandma while there too. That was quite saddening for me. She’s been slowly deteriorating mentally for several years, but has taken a big turn for the worse recently. You can’t really have a conversation with her now. The words sound like they make sense as they come out of her mouth, but they just don’t add up to a complete thought.