Category Archives: family


You know how you just get songs that pop into your head? Sometimes I get a song and I think, “That’s an interesting song to just pop into my head.” Well today at work I realized that I was silently singing the alphabet song to myself. Ahhhhh!!

The dangers of fatherhood.

My Name is Daddy, Josiah

So Josiah has learned my name and has started calling me by it occasionally. It’s usually something like, “What you doing Mama, Daddy, Wes?” He sometimes gets a little confused about who he’s talking to after spending all day with his mama.

This morning I was in the shower and he told Angie that he was “looking for Wes.” It’s pretty funny as long as it doesn’t become a habit. I told him he better never ever call his mom “Angie”.


My parents have been getting pretty big into the history of the area in which they live in Baker County. OK, sometimes I think they’re going a little nuts over it, but I do think it is pretty cool. I may not be nearly as interested in it as they are at this point in my life, but I still think it is a good thing to be interested in and to dig into. They’ve been doing all sorts of research–digging into newspaper archives, interviewing people–and documenting what they find. Anyway, I just wanted them and anyone else who reads this to know that I think they are way cool.

I’m also proud of my mom for volunteering and currently being the president of the Eastern Oregon Museum.